Reconstructionists define Judaism as a developing civilization including religion, history, literature, art and music, land and language.
Our tradition reflects the search of our ancestors for meaning, usefulness and value. When conducting our own search, we are egalitarian, participative and open for various points of view. Through our shared history, culture, philosophy, traditions, experiences and living moments we enforce our sense of belonging to the Jewish People. We respect the Orthodox and traditional Jewish practice but we are convinced of the importance of adapting religion to the present time, which has happened throughout the history of the Jewish People. Judaism always stood out for its’ interpretations. We recognize that Judaism has different forms of expression. Tradition has “a vote, but no veto”.

Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionism
Our different views of God focus more on God’s blessing than on the supernatural. We appreciate a force in the universe that fills all of the creation with an idea of transcendence and that drives us towards improving ourselves and the world.
We believe that we occupy ourselves with developing Judaism and that we are responsible for the formation of the spiritual and cultural inheritance that we bequeath to future generations.