On 30 Oct 2021, meeting time at 0915h CEST, there will be an excursion near Mainz/Wiesbaden:

Please send a short mail to kontakt@jg-michelsberg.com if you will participate.
On 30 Oct 2021, meeting time at 0915h CEST, there will be an excursion near Mainz/Wiesbaden:
Please send a short mail to kontakt@jg-michelsberg.com if you will participate.
On 02 October 2021 at 1900h CEST our next event, supported by Limmud, is taking place at the Georg-Buch-Haus in Wiesbaden:
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Due to the High Holidays a little bit delayed, here are a few impressions from our event Zeitzeugengespräch on 01 September, where also a panel discussion including the director Volker Schlöndorff and the former mayor of Wiesbaden, Achim Exner took place:
To all those being between 18 and 27 years old, here is our invitation to our Rosh Hashanah party:
Don’t worry if you don’t speak German (or Russian), you are most welcome, but please register with us by email to anmeldung@jg-michelsberg.com with your current COVID-19 vaccination or recovery confirmation.
Dear fellow Jewesses and Jews, no matter whether you only have a Jewish mother, only a Jewish father, two Jewish parents or you are a convert, no matter your skin colour, nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity, no matter if you are orthodox, liberal or strictly secular and no matter of which age you are:
We wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful year 5782 full of prosperity and harmony!
On 01 Sep 2021 at 11:00h at Caligari Filmbühne in Wiesbaden the premiere of the new documentary of Volker Schlöndorff on the occasion of the 100th birthday of our honorary member Leon Schwarzbaum with subsequent discussion with the participants will take place.
Below you find more information and the possibility to register:
On 16 August 2021 at 1930h CEST our next virtual event in the Russian-language series Проект Перспектива will be taking place on ZOOM:
Participate via: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81750427500?pwd=NnNmaXg5ek1XRys4dTBNa1NJQ2dLdz09
(Meeting-ID: 817 5042 7500, code: 827291)
On 01 September at 10:00h there will be the premiere of the new film about our member Leon Schwarzbaum made by Volker Schlöndorff at Caligari FilmBühne in Wiesbaden.
The full announcement will be following but if you are interested in the premiere, feel free to contact us!
On 28 June 2021 at 2000h CEST our second virtual event in the Russian-language series Проект Перспектива will be taking place on ZOOM:
Participate via: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85923212498?pwd=Tm5PYlZzQW92Z2JnR2J5cmtIMVVlQT09
(Meeting-ID: 859 2321 2498, code: 898297)