Author: JG Michelsberg

If you want to order tickets with a seat reservation by email, WhatsApp or phone (see second page of the flyer above), here you find the seating plan of the concert hall.
Please let us know where you want to sit and we will do our best to accomodate your request.
Looking Back on Chanukkah
On Friday, 8 December, we had our Chanukkah-Shabbat evening during which Konstantin Konson (Stuttgart) presented his book “Korach. Ein Romand über die Zeit”.
We will remember a wonderful, warm and cordial atmosphere, the children lighting the Chanukkah candles, the new guests and the Ukrainian friends of our congregation who brought great homemade sweets with them.
Especially inspiring have been the introductory words about Chanukkah and the special Shabbat by Konstantin Konson. His lecture about his book from which he also read sparked a lot of interest among the attendants.
The novel describes the deep meaning of the narratives within the Torah, guides the reader through the mazes of the Torah and uncovers a tradition of many thousand years.
Konstantin Konson’s book can be obtained as eBook, audio book or printed edition at Litres or directly from the author.
Shanah Tova 5784
The board wishes all members, friends and supporters a Shanah Tova u Metuka!!!
May this coming year be a sweet one for you and your loved ones!
May all your efforts during this coming year be blessed!
May this coming year be full of success and prosperity!
May you have a year full of love, contentment and fortune! Stay well!
We wish you a lot of Naches and no Zores in this upcoming year!!!
We wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful year 5783 full of prosperity and harmony!

Konstantin Konson: Korach
Konstantin Korach, who is leading our Shiurim, has published a new Russian-language novel.
If you are interested in this book, please feel free to contact us via email.
On 12 August at 17:00h our Tu Be’Av Café on ZOOM will be happening.

Participate via:
Meeting-ID: 752 0832 4273
Code: R7nD5j
Here some impressions from our concert that took place last weekend with an audience of more than 240 people – the hall was filled to capacity.
We have been thrilled about the enormous interest!